City of El Segundo, Parks and Rec

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Friends of Ballona Wetlands

Our mission is to champion the restoration and protection of the Ballona Wetlands, involving and educating the public as advocates and stewards.


LA Conservation Corps

Providing at-risk young adults and school-aged youth with opportunities for success through job skills training, education and work experience with an emphasis on conservation and service projects that benefit the community.


Los Angeles World Airports

In the 1980’s, LAWA began restoring the LAX Dunes, which comprise of 307 acres of coastal sand dunes located on the western portion of the airport. The LAX Dunes are home to over 900 species of native flora and fauna, including the federally endangered El Segundo Blue Butterfly (ESBB), and sensitive species such as the Southern California Legless Lizard and San Diego Horned Lizard.

LAWA Sustainability


Palos Verdes Peninsula Land Conservancy

Our mission is to preserve land and restore habitat for the education and enjoyment of all.

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Pelecanus is a conservation-based collective in continuous wonder of the healing and encouragement that is possible on this planet and the people making it happen. We are committed to telling these stories and demonstrating optimism through science.


South Bay Parkland Conservancy

We are dedicated to the restoration, preservation and public use of coastal land resources in the South Bay Region.

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Surfrider Foundation - South Bay

The Ocean Friendly Gardens program (OFG) sees landscapes and streets as solutions to water pollution - and more. OFG standards use this simple approach everywhere possible: contouring landscapes for rainwater retention; creating living soil to sponge up water, filter pollution and sequester carbon; and installing climate-appropriate plants to create wildlife habitat and a sense of place.


The Bay Foundation

Our mission is to restore and enhance Santa Monica Bay through actions and partnerships that improve water quality, conserve and rehabilitate natural resources, and protect the Bay’s benefits and values.


The Urban Wildlands Group

The Urban Wildlands Group is dedicated to the protection of species, habitats, and ecological processes in urban and urbanizing areas.